Recent Webinar Recordings
As we wind down for a bit of rest over the coming holidays, what better time to catch up on some of our most recent […]
Macroalgae and the herbarium as speculative and multisensory storytelling practice
Last week Caroline Elgh visited the research program Mistra Environmental Communication at SLU, the Swedish University of Agricultural Science to give the workshop Macroalgae and the […]
Verdant borders and steel walls. Eco-ontologies of border politics. PH Webinar 21st September
Verdant borders and steel walls. Eco-ontologies of border politics. Posthumanities Hub Webinar 21st September 13.15-15.00 Link for registration https://liu-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5wtdO-tqToiGN2QYWwKnGfs4dtgw30Y_OuL#/registration Approximately seventy-four border walls and fences […]