Welcome to The Posthumanities Hub Webinar:
“ECO IS THE NEW SEXUAL: A Performative Transmedia Webinar”
Date: September 7th, 2023, 10 a.m. PTZ, 7 p.m. CET
Zoom link: https://liu-se.zoom.us/j/61274824846
Prof. Cecilia Åsberg
Webinar’s curator:
Dr. Ewelina Jarosz aka Underwater_activist
Special guests:
Prof. Elizabeth Stephens & Dr. Annie Sprinkle,
Dr. Justyna Górowska aka WetMeWild
Dr. Ewelina Jarosz aka Underwater_activist
Brine Shrimp Baby
Caroline Elgh, Ph.D. candidate at TEMA Genus, Linköping University
Join us for a unique online event focused on the intersection of ecology, environmental arts and humanities with sex-positive attitudes and strategies, including pleasure activism through ecosexuality and hydrosexuality. This special edition of The Posthumanities Hub webinar introduces new, more-than-human sexualities that challenge conventional notions of culture, arts, and sex. Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens, who launched the ecosexual movement, will join us to share their ecosexy art strategies, practices, and their experience in experimental teaching. Cyber nymphs Justyna Górowska and Ewelina Jarosz will discuss the hydrosexual aspect, exploring love for brine shrimp and reimagining the Baltic Sea amid climate change. Caroline Elgh, a soaked curator and mermaid wannabe scholar, will guide us through this exciting webinar channeling love and sensuality through art and extra humanities. Brace yourself for an eco-queer extravaganza for the critical humanities.
Description of the online event:
Get ready to immerse yourself in the exciting worlds of eco- and hydrosexuality that are all about getting frisky with Earth Lover and the Blue Planet. In this special edition of The Posthumanites Hub webinar, the new, more-than-human sexualities will be introduced to challenge the traditional notions of what sex is and can be in culture and the arts, addressing planetary care and interconnectedness.
In 2008, two fabulous artists, Annie Sprinkle, and Beth Stephens, launched the ecosexual movement in the arts. They combined their unique charismas and talents in performance, to spice things up in environmental art! They’ll be joining us in this webinar, and let me tell you, they have some ecosexy toys up their sleeves. And by that, we mean the ecosexual art strategies, practices, and even the glossary that nowadays extends internationally across the art, activist, and academic worlds. With their absurdist sense of humor and years of experience in merging sex-positive with environmental, they will make your heart race!
But that’s not all! Brace yourselves for the wet and wild ride as the cyber nymphs, Justyna Górowska and Ewelina Jarosz take the stage. Working with Annie and Beth’s ideas, they’ll be introducing the hydrosexual offspring of the ecosexual movement in the arts. Get ready to hear about their love affair with the brine shrimp inhabiting the Great Salt Lake and ideas of reimagining the Baltic Sea in times of climate change. The sultry brine shrimp baby, Annie, and Beth, who are grandmothers, and Ewelina and Justyna, who are mothers, join us, casting a seductive glow upon the Blue Humanities Archive project—a fusion of digital art, eco-technologies, and feminist blue posthumanities.
A steamy presence of more-than-human sexualities that are piercing the contemporary art scene will be navigated by Caroline Elgh who will accompany our journey into the tantalizing yet fragile worlds of activism of pleasure. This brilliant scholar will help eco- and hydrosexuals to explore yet untapped potential of their work for more-than-human humanities. Or, to put it more bluntly, Caroline will be checking the chemistry between eco-queer sexualities and the extra humanities The Posthumanities Hub creates a platform for. To help bringing closer together the practices and ideas developed across the arts, activist, and academic worlds of the arts, blue and environmental humanities, she will be a shapeshifter of the webinar.
So, buckle up and prepare to shake up the academic scene as we explore fun, experimental, and creative ways to engage sensually and sexually with ecology and critical humanities.
Brace yourself for an eco- and hydrosexual extravaganza for the critical humanities!