Welcome to the Tema Genus Higher Seminar with Prof. Hélène Frichot (University of Melbourne), which takes place on 6th October 2021 at 09:15-11:00 CEST over Zoom.
Zoom link:
“Dirty Theory, Dirty Materialism”
We are excited to welcome and present You all to Professor Hélène Frichot, University of Melbourne.
Architectural theorist and philosopher, writer and critic, Hélène Frichot is Professor of Architecture and Philosophy, and Director of the Bachelor of Design, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning University of Melbourne, Australia. In her former position she directed Critical Studies in Architecture, School of Architecture, KTH Stockholm, Sweden. Her recent publications include Dirty Theory: Troubling Architecture (AADR 2019), Creative Ecologies: Theorizing the Practice of Architecture (Bloomsbury 2018), How to Make Yourself a Feminist Design Power Tool (2016). She is editor of a number of collections, including with Catharina Gabrielsson and Helen Runting, Architecture and Feminisms: Ecologies, Economies, Technologies (Routledge 2017) and more recently with Naomi Stead, Writing Architectures: Ficto-Critical Approaches (Bloomsbury 2020), and with Marco Jobst, Architectural Affects After Deleuze and Guattari (Routledge 2021).
Contact: Isabel García Velázquez, PhD-student Tema Genus <isabel.garcia.velazquez@liu.se>
Co-ordinator: Prof Cecilia Åsberg, chair Gender, Nature, Culture , <cecilia.asberg@liu.se>