Welfare technology is being mobilized as a solution to an ageing population. It includes technologies that administer medicine, watch over people when they sleep, and provide company through touch and conversation. Maria Arnelid focuses on different examples of welfare technology being developed or implemented and uses them as windows into how care and care work are imagined and (de)valued. In doing so, she critically explores the politics of welfare technology and the changing conditions of elderly care organizations and those working and living in them.
Speaker is Maria Arnelid, with discussants Lisa Lindén (Chalmers University of Technology), Benjamin Lipp (Technical University of Denmark), Ingvil Førland (University of Stavanger) and Desirée Enlund (Linköping University). The Seminar takes place on 19/9 at 10.00 – 12.00 (CEST), in room Lethe in the Tema building, and on zoom.
Registration: https://liu-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5MocO-oqzsiG9V2sjlF961n_EPBb8HFMkT5#/registration