How and why do inequalities become reproduced in interventions to combat them? Toby Odland (he/him) focuses on experiences of ambiguity and complexity in practical equality work in order to explore the recursive dynamics of inequalities. Through interdisciplinary inquiry, Toby speaks to the institutionalization of gender equality in Sweden, and to how some visions and practices of Trans-inclusive enactment become possible, desirable and hopeful, while others become impossible, undesirable and fearsome.
Speaker is Toby Odlund (Linköping University), with discussants Mieke Verloo (Radboud University), Anne-Charlott Callerstig (Örebro University), Ann-Charlotte Nedlund (Linköping University) and france rose hartline (Norwegian University of Science and Technology).
The seminar takes place on 25/9 at 13.00 – 16.00, in room Faros in the Tema building, and on zoom.
Registration: https://liu-se.zoom.us/meeting/register/u5YocuqgpjgpG9UHEWgBIEWcqROKqdHKYfM0#/registration