Linköping Pride starts this week!
Here is a link with a schedule of all the activities taking place this the week in East Sweden town of Linköping: https://linkoping.rfsl.se/verkehsam/pride/
At Linköping University (LiU), the Forum for Gender Studies and Equality are co-organizers of two lectures at Pride house/Main Library:
May 31, at 17.00-18.00 Pride House / Main Library
Minority joy: Of course, there are advantages to being LGBTQI
The lecture is part of Linköping Pride 2023 in collaboration with the Forum for Gender Studies and Equality. In the lecture, Anna Malmquist, associate professor and university lecturer at the department of psychology at Linköping University, talks about minority joy and minority peace based on an interview study with trans people. You who participate will also get to reflect on what joy or positive aspects you experience from any minority that you may identify with. Welcome!
June 1 at 18.00-19.00 Pride House / Main Library
Friction in working with trans inclusion
Toby Odland (he/they) is a PhD student at Tema Genus at Linköping University and is writing his thesis on the friction that shapes institutional change and inclusion work. He approaches experiences from practical work for institutional change with inclusion ambitions based on the case of trans inclusion in gender equality work. In their lecture, Toby will present their research project in general and give some insights into ongoing analysis work. The lecture is part of Linköping Pride 2023.
This year, LiU has a section in the Pride parade, which takes place on Saturday, June 3:
Gathering in the Garden Association at 12.00. The train departs at 13.00.
Employees, students, alumni or others who want are welcome to join!! Hope to see you somewhere during Pride!!
Contact: Charlotte Fridolfsson at Linköping University, Sweden