Dr. Isabella Pinto is Lerici Foundation Fellow and Guest Researcher at
The Posthumanities Hub and Tema Genus, Linköping University,
Sweden, from September 2022 to November 2022. During this time,
she will develop a research on the literary works of Elena Ferrante and
the toxic landscapes of Naples (Italy), through the lens of the
environmental humanities.
She is independent researcher and activist based in Italy, between
Rome and Naples. She works as Adjunct Professor of Writing and
Communication Lab (Roma Tre University), Scientific and Didactic
Coordinator of Narrazioni Summer School, within Gender Studies and
Politics Master’s Program (Roma Tre University). Her research interest
areas include comparative literature, gender/feminist/queer studies, and
environmental humanities.
In 2019, she holds a European Label PhD on Comparative Studies and
Literary Theory (Roma Tor Vergata University). In 2020, her revisiting PhD thesis, Elena Ferrante. Poetiche e politichedella soggettività, was published by Mimesis PH. In 2021, Raccontare un virus selvaggio. Covid-19, New Wild e Realismo Multispecie, and Storytelling multispecie. Una pratica ecopolitica per la giustizia ambientale multispecie, were published by «B@bel – Rivista online di Filosofia» and «Etnografie del contemporaneo». From two different angles, both these scientific articles focus on the topic of the
storytelling power understood as naturcultural and ecopolitical practice
for multispecies justice.
Since 2020, she has created several diffractive reading & writing
workshops (online and face-to-face) on the thought of Donna Haraway,
Anna L. Tsing, and about the practices of Trans/Feminist Speculative
Fabulation, in collaborations with various Italian artists, independent
associations, and institutions – among which the MAXXI National
Museum of the XXI Century Arts