We are pleased to invite you all to the upcoming Posthumanities Hub and The Eco- and Bioart Lab Webinar on “SATURATION EPISTEMOLOGIES” with Melody Jue (UC Santa Barbara) and Rafico Ruiz (Canadian Centre for Architecture).
The event takes place on 14th February 2022 at 17:15-19:00 CET on Zoom (for registration, see below).

Webinar on ‘Saturation Epistemologies’ with Melody Jue and Rafico Ruiz
In this presentation, Melody Jue and Rafico Ruiz discuss saturation epistemologies in their recent collection Saturation: An Elemental Politics (Duke Press, 2021). Poised as an alternative framework to object-focused inquiries and metaphors of entanglement, saturation points us to those situations where substances are not so easily isolated or tangled but may be materially or figuratively co-present. While saturation starts as a form of watery thinking, they show how it also draws our attention to thresholds, phase changes, and precipitates of matter.
Melody Jue is Associate Professor of English at UC Santa Barbara. She is the author of Wild Blue Media: Thinking Through Seawater (Duke 2020) and co-editor (with Rafico Ruiz) of Saturation: An Elemental Politics (Duke 2021). Her articles have appeared in Grey Room, Configurations, Media+Environment, Women’s Studies Quarterly, and Resilience.
Rafico Ruiz is a researcher and curator. His work addresses infrastructure building in the Arctic, post–global warming ice, and practices of settler accountability. Ruiz is the author most recently of Slow Disturbance: Infrastructural Mediation on the Settler Colonial Resource Frontier (2021), and the co-editor (with Melody Jue) of Saturation: An Elemental Politics (2021), both published by Duke University Press. His articles have appeared in Communication +1, Continuum, the Journal of Northern Studies, and Resilience. He is currently the Associate Director of Research at the Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montréal, and the co-curator of the upcoming exhibition ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home.
Please, register for the event by clicking the link: