Vera Weetzel is a PhD candidate at the Gender Studies unit of Linköping University, where they are working on their project Watery Connections.

In this project, Vera explores the watery connections across different bodies, through the analytical concept of transcorporeality (Alaimo 2008; 2010) with a methodological apparatus that problematizes human-centric and cisheterosexist assumptions and conventions and aims to think with fish and look with watery eyes. They follow the different flows around two imploding knots, fish and tears, and use a range of approaches, including bioartistic research and art analysis. Vera has a MSc in Biomedical Science and an MA in Gender Studies, both from Utrecht University, where they worked in a zebrafish heart development lab, and explored different topics around bioart and laboratory animals. Their current research interests include posthumanism, new materialism, feminist science studies, feminist biology, critical animal studies, bioart, contemporary art, and transgender studies.
Research groups / networks:
The Eco- and Bioart Research Network
The International Network for Ecocritical and Decolonial Research
Stint project – New Tools for Transnational Analysis in Postgraduate Intersectional Gender Research
Associate member of Posthumanism Research Institute, Brock University, Canada.
Weetzel, Vera. “WHO IS LEFT OUT?.” Angelaki 22.2 (2017): 263-266.