Webinar: “dialogues – probing the future of creative technology,” March 28
The Creative-Ai (AI and the Artistic Imaginary – WASP-HS, https://www.kth.se/hct/mid/research/cmt/projects/ai-and-the-artistic-imaginary-1.1100143) and MUSAiC (https://musaiclab.wordpress.com) project teams at KTH kindly welcome you to the next seminar in […]
Human-Yeast Interrelations: Publication & Exhibit
by Olga Timurgalieva, Patrícia Moreira, and Eva Direito The art book, Yeasts as We Do Not Know Them, chronicles the roles of single-celled fungal microbes, mainly […]
Fabulation for future: artistic research in film & philosophy
Check out this, dear friends of artistic research!