Ombre Tarragnat (they/she) is a PhD student in gender studies and philosophy at the Laboratoire d’Études de Genre et de Sexualité LEGS), in France. Their doctoral project, provisionally entitled “Autism as Ethodivergence: Philosophical Ethology, Posthumanism, Phenomenology” explores the contact zones between posthumanist feminisms, neurodiversity studies and animal philosophy.

Recent publications
Ombre Tarragnat, “‘Le personnel est climatique’. Les corps-météo autistes et le posthumanisme féministe entre météorisation et (dés)acclimatation / ‘The Personal is Climatic’: Autistic Weather-Bodies and Posthuman Feminism Between Weathering and (De)Acclimatisation“, Sextant – Revue de recherche interdisciplinaire sur le genre et la sexualité, forthcoming.
Ombre Tarragnat, “A Foray into the Bubbles of Autistics: The Phenomenology of Being-in-the-World from Umwelt Theory to Intense World Theory”, Minority Reports: Cultural Disability Studies, accepted for publication, forthcoming.
Ombre Tarragnat, “Umwelt Theory and Dis/Harmony: Forays into Dis/Ability, Dis/Ease, Trauma, and Ethological Divergence”, Biosemiotics, special issue « Umwelt Theory and Phenomenology », summer 2024.
Ombre Tarragnat, “Les Communautés du compost de Donna Haraway à l’ère du Pathocène / Donna Haraway’s Communities of Compost in the Era of the Pathocene”, Fabula / Les colloques, Penser une seule éthique pour les vivants ?, Existences collectives (dir. Denis Bertrand, Pauline Hachette, Everardo Reyes), 2023, URL: