Malin Lobell works with symbiotic soil processes, human -plant relations and plants as food, remediators, and intelligent beings. Her poetic, conceptual and critical approach to climate change issues has paved the way for numerous interdisciplinary and collaborative interventions. Works as The Importance of Being Earthworm,
We are the plan(ts) and I hold a forest in my hand focus on a more than-human relationships. As part of the Nordic artgroup Skifte.land she was co-curating The floating symposium- on digesting a fjord landscape www.skifte.land.
Malin Lobell is educated at Valand School of Fine Arts, Gothenburg, Kunstakademiet in Trondheim and University of Arts, Crafts and Design, Stockholm.
Together with Janna Holmstedt, she initiated (p)Art of the Biomass a Swedish art plattform that through interdisciplinary projects, participatory processes and artistic interventions, inspire thoughts and action and create new forms of collaboration, where multispecies relations as well as environmental care and attention can be cultivated.
She has also been part of the art and research project Humuseconomicus founded by Formas ( 2021-2024) [www.humuseconomicus.se] https://partofthebiomass.se/ www.malinlobell.se.