Jenni Puroila is a Ph.D. candidate at the Department of Management and Organization and the Misum Mistra Center for Sustainable Markets at the Stockholm School of Economics. Her academic background includes studying ethics and accountability in relation to organizations and sustainable development. Jenni draws inspiration from the theories and concepts of environmental humanities and feminist posthuman phenomenology. Her current research interests focus on more-than-human organization, socio-ecological relations, multispecies care, and ontological questions about the natural world and forests. Her doctoral thesis explores the organization of more-than-human care relations through ethnographic research on practices designed to provide therapeutic and healing nature experiences.
Selected publications
Puroila Jenni. Healer trees and multispecies care laboring. 40th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 06: Organizing with More-than-Humans? Post-Human Performativity Amid Perpetual Crisis, July 4-6, 2024, Milan, Italy
Puroila, Jenni. Healer trees and multispecies care labor. The 16th NESS – Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference. 4–6 June 2024, Turku, Finland
Puroila Jenni. Multispecies care relationships and the ethics of vulnerability. 37th EGOS Colloquium, Sub-theme 56: Organizing for a Living Earth: Beyond Human-centered Analyses of Organization and Management, July 8-10, 2021 Amsterdam, Netherlands