Caroline Elgh is an art curator, writer, educator, and PhD researcher in Gender Studies at Linköping University.
Since 2024, she is Co-Director of the Posthumanities Hub. With background in cultural studies her work within the fields of feminist environmental humanities, blue humanities and posthumanities explores postdisciplinary processes at the intersection of art, science, political ecology and speculative fiction. Previously as a curator at Bonniers Konsthall in Stockholm she curated exhibitions and publications such as Cosmological Arrows that examined contemporary art’s relation to science fiction, ecology and technology.

Selected publications
Elgh, Caroline. 2024. ”Skogen under vattenytan: Ingela Ihrmans algkroppar i en tid av ekologisk kris.” In Ekologisk konstvetenskap, ed. Anna-Maria Hallgren and Dan Karlholm. Huddinge: Södertörns högskola.
Elgh, Caroline. 2024. ”Tracing ’Chthulucene environmental imaginations’ in contemporary art: The speculative in the work of Larissa Sansour and Johannes Heldén”. In Nordic Speculative Fiction, ed. Jyrki Korpua, Aino-Kaisa Kostinen and Marta Tveit.
Elgh, Caroline. 2023. “Coastal Imaginations and Intermedialities. The art exhibition as a response to present planetary environmental disruptions.” In State of the Art, ed. Erich Berger, Mari Keski-Korsu, Marietta Radomska and Line Thastum. Helsinki: Bioart Society.
Elgh, Caroline. 2022. “Bildkonst, hav och genus i en tid av ekologisk kris”, chronicle published at Gender in Museum’s website:
Elgh, Caroline. 2019. ”Science Fiction as a Mirror of our Times and Imaginary Laboratory”. In Cosmological arrows, ed. Caroline Elgh and Jerry Määttä. Stockholm: Art and Theory Publishing.