Bob L. T. Sturm is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and Docent at KTH Royal Institute of Technology.
“I lead research projects about artificial intelligence and music in the Speech, Music and Hearing Research Division of KTH. I am the PI of the ERC Consolidator Project MUSAiC (Music at the Frontiers of Artificial Creativity and Criticism My background includes studies in physics, engineering, and music composition. My interests are folk music, computer music, signal processing, music informatics, and evaluation”.
Selected publications
B. L. Sturm, “A simple method to determine if a music information retrieval system is a “horse”,” IEEE Trans. Multimedia, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1636–1644, 2014.
B. L. T. Sturm, K. Déguernel, R. S. Huang, A.-K. Kaila, P. Jääskeläinen, E. Kanhov, L. C. Vila, D. C. Dalmazzo, L. Casini, O. Bown, N. Collins, E. A. Drott, J. Sterne, A. Holzapfel, and O. Ben-Tal, “AI Music Studies: Preparing for the Flood,” in Proc. AI Music Creativity, 2024.
K. Déguernel and B. L. T. Sturm, “Bias in favour or against computational creativity: A survey and reflection on the importance of socio-cultural context in its evaluation,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Comp. Creativity, 2023.