Anna-Kaisa Kaila is a PhD candidate in Media Technology at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Her current research explores artificial intelligence (AI) and its unfolding socio-political, ethical, and legal impacts on creative and cultural sectors. The project is part of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program – Humanities and Society.

Anna’s recent work has explored the development of creative AI applications from the perspective of feminist care ethics; mapped incentives and frictions that artists experience in their engagement with creative AI tools; and explored critically entangled politics and aesthetics of AI music in the reception of artistic AI works and in encounters between technology and traditional music communities. As both a musicologist (MA) and a social scientist (MScEcon), Anna combines methodological approaches from arts and media studies to STS, critical data studies ,and intellectual property law (copyright). Previously, she has conducted research at the crossroads of music semiotics and music psychology, studying mental imagery and associative meanings in music listening.
Recent publications
Kaila, A., Sturm, B. & Holzapfel, A. 2023. Are we solving the wrong problems – and doing harm in the process? Proceedings of the International Conference on AI and Music Creativity 2023.
Kaila, A., Jääskeläinen, P. & Holzapfel, A. 2023. Ethically Aligned Stakeholder Elicitation (EASE): Case Study in Music-AI. Proceedings of NIME 2023.
Holzapfel, A., Jääskeläinen, P. & Kaila, A. 2022. Environmental and Social Sustainability of Creative-Ai. GenAICHI Generative AI and CHI workshop – ACM CHI 2022.