Justin Makii has a BA in philosophy with a focus on applied ethics from Miami University and an MSc in sustainable development from Uppsala University. Justin is a doctoral candidate at Linköping University’s Gender Studies unit at the Department of Thematic Studies. Their research – motivated by Donna Haraway’s “it matters what thoughts think thoughts, It matters what worlds world worlds” – explores the agential world(ing) of prions – those pathogenic proteins with a multi-species body count.
Aspects of Justin’s work explore such prionic stories as The Haunted Archive: a tale of time-less or a-temporal ethico-onto-epistemologies, Cannibalism: a worlding guide, and Pathogenic Parlance: prion playwriting for the next -ocene. Their interests focus on agential realism, feminist posthumanisms, decolonialisms, and environmental humanities.
Research Networks:
Environmental Humanities Collaboratory
The Eco- and Bioart Research Network
GEXcel International Collegium for Advanced Transdisciplinary Gender Studies