Environmental Humanities in Scandinavia
Time and date: Wednesday 13 October 2021, 14:00-17:00 CETMore details: contact Mikkel Fugl Eskjær Organised by Aalborg University, a partner in the DFF Global Justice and […]
Soil Blindness and the Value of “Dirt”, a Seminar on Ecological Economics, Soil Care, and Homemaking in Times of Transition
Humus Economicus Collaboratory, in association with The Posthumanities Hub, are happy to invite you to a seminar with Thomas Hahn, Stockholm Resilience Centre, and Åsa […]
Join us in a Midsummer Fertility Ceremony for Bladderwrack – an Invitation from (P)Art of the Biomass
During calm nights in May and June, and synched by the full moon, bladderwrack releases its eggs and sperms. If you want to pay tribute […]