Film och samtal: AI, människan och juridiken
Välkomna till visning av den prisbelönta kortfilmen GUILTY NOT GUILTY med tillhörande forskarsamtal och dialog. Vad händer när juridiken inte går jämna steg med tekniken? […]
CEMUS Spring Seminars and Conference (CFP deadline Mar. 1)
Our friends at CEMUS, The Centre for Environment and Development Studies, have some exciting events this year. Starting on Feb. 9, they have a great […]
SEMINAR TOMORROW (Feb 2) on intersections of Art and AI, including Synthetic Data, Deep Fakes
(Text provided by the organizers) The Creative-Ai (AI and the Artistic Imaginary – WASP-HS) and MUSAiC project teams at KTH kindly welcome you to the […]