17th International Deleuze & Guattari Studies Camp & Conference!
Welcome to the official page of the 17th International Deleuze & Guattari Studies Camp and Conference Pedagogies of Philosophy: Nonsense, and…and…and joy. The Camp will take place from 12-15th of June and the Conference from 17th – 19th of June, in Stockholm, Sweden.
An Image in Motion: Performing Plurality on the Dance Floor of a Fluid Time, by Fateme Gholami
Dear friends, we are delighted to bring you our very first contribution to the Essays and Stories-space! Recent guest researcher of The Posthumanities Hub, Fateme Gholami, has generously bestowed upon us a “creative writing experiment”, where she muses on the new The Posthumanities Hub banner, created by artist Anna Hedberg. We love it, check it…
Talk alert: “Thoughts Walking Within and Without: Spiritual Journeys and Eco-Conscious Reflections”
Don’t miss out on our brilliant guest researcher, Fateme Gholami’s, talk at One By Walking on 25th October 13:00 CEST on Zoom!