CFP: Special Issue on Plasticity
Check out this open call to submit manuscripts for the special issue “The Shapeshifters; Plasticity from Cells to Society”, for Interdisciplinary Science Reviews!
G25 Feminist Coalitions for Livable Worlds: How, Where and for Whom?
Forum för genusforskning (FGF) and the subject of Gender Studies invites the gender research community to the G25, the sixth national conference for research in gender studies and gender research in other disciplines. The Posthumanities Hub will of course be there – join us!
17th International Deleuze & Guattari Studies Camp & Conference!
Welcome to the official page of the 17th International Deleuze & Guattari Studies Camp and Conference Pedagogies of Philosophy: Nonsense, and…and…and joy. The Camp will take place from 12-15th of June and the Conference from 17th – 19th of June, in Stockholm, Sweden.