Dick Kasperowski is a Professor in Theory of Science at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics & Theory of Science at University of Gothenburg.
Informed by current posthuman perspectives in science and technology studies, Dick’s main interests are in the area of governance of science, citizen science, the unexpected and misuse of technical infrastructures for biodiversity reporting and the management of uncertainty in public scientific controversies. The analytical focus of his research concerns how political and scientific representations are made agential to each other and how more-than-human citizenship is connected to research policy and scientific practices. More specifically this relates to how more-than-human rights and obligations toward science and research are attributed and appropriated by different actors in epistemic and political conflicts and the different modes of governance this entails.
Select publications
Kasperowski, D., Peterson, J., & Hagen, N. (2024). Citizen Observations as Legal Obligations: (Dis)Associations and Representation at the Swedish Land and Environment Court of Appeal. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01622439241265521