
This list of recent publications is in no way complete, but represents some of the research emanating from the collaboratory that is the Posthumanities Hub. Enjoy!

Cecilia Åsberg (2024) Promises of Cyborgs: Feminist Practices of Posthumanities (Against the Nested Crises of the Anthropocene), NORA – Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, DOI: 10.1080/08038740.2023.2294194

Åsberg, C 2021. “Ecologies and Technologies of Feminist Posthumanities”, in Women’s Studies – An Inter-disciplinary Journal.

Radomska, M. and C. Åsberg. 2021. Fathoming Postnatural Oceans: Towards a Low-Trophic Theory in the Practices of Feminist Posthumanities. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space. https://doi.org/10.1177/25148486211028542

Åsberg, C. and M. Radomska. 2021.  “Environmental violence and postnatural oceans: Low trophic theory in the registers of feminist posthumanities”.  In Gender, Violence and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices, edited by M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola and H. Siltala. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 265-285. Link: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030569297

Åsberg, C. 2021. Genus och teknik. Liber Teknik 1, online läromedel, Liber, Stockholm.

Åsberg, C. and N. Wormbs. 2021 Genus och etik. Liber Teknik 1, online läromedel, Liber, Stockholm.

Fredengren, C. 2021. Bodily entanglements: Gender, archaeological sciences and the more-than-ness of archaeological bodies. Cambridge Archaeological Journal.

Fredengren, C. 2021. Worlding Waters with the Dead (or the more-than-dead). NAR.

Fredengren, C. 2021. Ecologizing Heritage: Heritage Ecologies. Heritage as phenomenon and worlding practices. In Petursdottir, T. & Bangstad, T. (eds) Heritage Ecologies. London: Routledge.

Fredengren, C. 2021. Death as portals to worlds within worlds. Exhibition Catalogue. Signe Johannesen.

Geerts, E. 2021. “Being haunted by—and re-orienting toward—what ‘matters’ in times of (the COVID-19) crisis: A critical cartography of response-ability.” In Higher Education Hauntologies: Speaking with Ghosts for a Justice-to-come, edited by Viv Bozalek et al. Routledge

Geerts, E. and D. Carstens. 2021. “Pedagogies in the Wild – Entanglements between Deleuzoguattarian Philosophy and the New Materialisms”. Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research. Special issue ‘Pedagogies in the Wild – Entanglements between Deleuzoguattarian Philosophy and the New Materialisms.’ 1 (3)

Gray, C., D. Carstens, E. Geerts, and A. Eloff. 2021. Deleuzoguattarian thought, new materialisms, and (be)wild(erring) pedagogies: A conversation between Chantelle Gray, Delphi Carstens, Evelien Geerts, and Aragorn Eloff.” Matter: Journal of New Materialist Research. Special issue ‘Pedagogies in the Wild – Entanglements between Deleuzoguattarian Philosophy and the New Materialisms.’ 1 (3)

Holmstedt, J. 2021. Follow the Blind, Mimic the Wind and Become a Worm: Sonospheric Mappings by a Bag-Lady Soundwalker, Unlikely Journal for Creative Artsno.7, (March): Following Sonorous Bodies, eds. Anastasia Khodyreva and Elina Suoyrjö. Link: https://unlikely.net.au/

Holmstedt, J. and M. Lobell. 2021. “For Sisters for Planthroposcene”. In the exhibition Sustainable Societies for the Future, curated by A. Johansson. Malmö, Chicago: Malmö Konstmuseum and EXPO Chicago, 1 Feb-23 May.

Husso, M., S, Karkulehto, T. Saresma, M. Notko, J. Eilola, and H. Siltala. 2021. Ideological, institutional and affective practices of interpersonal violence. In Gender, Violence and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices, edited by M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola and H. Siltala. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Link: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030569297

MacCormack, P., M. Radomska, N. Lykke, I. Hillerup-Hansen, P. R. Olson, N. Manganas. 2021. What do we talk about when we talk about queer death? Theories and definitionsWhatever: Transdisciplinary Journal of Queer Theory and Studies, vol. 4: 573-598. https://doi.org/10.13131/2611-657X.whatever.v4i1.147

Radomska, M., M. C. Rojo Gomez, M. Pevere and T. Haapoja. 2021. Non/Living Queerings, Undoing Certainties, and Braiding Vulnerabilities: A Collective Reflection. In: L. Benítez; E. Berger (coord.) “Arts in the time of pandemic”. Artnodes, no. 27, UOC, pp. 1-10. http://doi.org/10.7238/a.v0i27.374989

Radomska, M. and C. Åsberg. 2021. Fathoming Postnatural Oceans: Towards a Low-Trophic Theory in the Practices of Feminist PosthumanitiesEnvironment and Planning E: Nature and Space.  https://doi.org/10.1177/25148486211028542

Rahm, L. (2021) Computing the Nordic Way: the Swedish Labor Movement, Computers and Educational Imaginaries from the Post-War Period to the Turn of the Millennium. Nordic Journal of Educational History 8(1), 31-58.

Rahm, L. (2021) Folkbildning som krishantering och krishantering som folkbildning. Socialmedicinsk tidskrift 1, 50-61.

Saresma, T., S. Karkulehto, and P. Varis. 2021. “Gendered Violence Online: Hate speech as an intersection of misogyny and racialization”. In Gender, Violence and Affect: Interpersonal, Institutional and Ideological Practices, edited by M. Husso, S. Karkulehto, T. Saresma, A. Laitila, J. Eilola and H. Siltala. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. Link: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030569297

Wickberg, Adam & Johan Gärdebo. 2021. “AI and the Global Environment”, Environmental Humanities vol. 13, no. 1 (2021) (in review).

Wickberg, A. 2021. “Temporal Poetics of Planetary Transformations: Alexander von Humboldt and the Geo-Anthropological History of America”, inScientific Temporalities: Mediating and Materializing Time (Berghan Books, 2021), ed. Anders Ekström & Staffan Bergwik.

Wickberg, Adam. 2021. ”Early Career Environmental Historians for a Sustainable Academia.” Co-authored with Roberta Biasillo, Elizabeth Hameeteman, Elena Kochetkova, Noémi Ujházy, Monique Palma, Simone Schleper, Environment and History 26, no. 4: 617-621.  https://whitehorsepress.blog/2021/01/11/early-career-environmental-historians-for-a-sustainable-academia/

Åsberg, C. 2020. A Sea Change in the Environmental Humanities, Ecocene: Cappadocia Journal of Environmental Humanities, no 1, pp. 108-122. Find pdf online: http://www.environmentandsociety.org/sites/default/files/key_docs/1670705783_ecocene-1.1.12_asberg_0.pdf

Åsberg, C., J. Holmstedt and Radomska. 2020. “Methodologies of Kelp: On Feminist Posthumanities, Transversal Knowledge Production and Multispecies Ethics in an Age of Entanglement” In: The Kelp Congress, edited by H. Mehti, N. Cahoon, and A. Wolfsberger, Svolvær: NNKS Press, pp. 11-23.

Fredengren, C. and C. Åsberg. 2020. Checking in with Deep time: Intragenerational Care in the Registers of Feminist Posthumanities. In Deterritorializing the Future: Heritage in, of, and after the Anthropocene, eds R. Harrison, and C. Sterling, London: Open Humanities Press, pp. 56-95. Find pdf online here: http://openhumanitiespress.org/books/download/Harrison-and-Sterling_2020_Deterritorializing-The-Future.pdf

Fredengren, C. 2020. Lyells Ek. Arktiska Spår. Nordiska Museet. Utställningskatalog.

Geerts, E. 2020. “Review of Vulnerable Futures, Transformative Pasts: On Vulnerability, Temporality and Ethics by Miri Rozmarin”. Redescriptions: Political Thought, Conceptual History and Feminist Theory 23 (2020) 2. DOI: http://doi.org/10.33134/rds.336

Geerts, E. 2020. “The Wellness Formula Sunday Service: On the work of Karen Barad”. Podcast. Part of The Wednesday Wellness Formula installation by artist Candice Jacobs. Five Years Gallery London (UK)

Holmstedt, J. 2020. Interspecies Bodies and Watery Sonospheres: Listening in the Lab, the Archives and the Field, Leonardo Music Journal, vol. 30, (December 2020), Special Section, ed. Morten Søndergaard. Link: https://www.mitpressjournals.org/forthcoming/lmj

Karkulehto, S., A. Koistinen, K. Lummaa, and E. Varis. 2020. “Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman: Striving for More Ethical Cohabitation”. In Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture, edited by S. Karkulehto, A.  Koistinen and E. Varis.  New York: Routledge, 1–19. Link: www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429243042

LaFauci, L.and C. Åsberg. 2020. Is All Environmental Humanities Feminist Environmental Humanities?, Seeing the Woods vol. 1. Link: https://seeingthewoods.org/2020/07/06/is-all-environmental-humanities-feminist-environmental-humanities/

LaFauci, L. 2020. “Unraveling Slavery’s Order in the 19th-Century Southern Swamp.” Swamp Souths: Literary and Cultural Ecologies. Ed. Kirstin L. Squint, Eric Gary Anderson, Taylor Hagood, and Anthony Wilson. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, pp. 189-202.

LaFauci, L. 2020. “A letter from Sweden, which deems flax seeds more dangerous than the pandemic.” Zocalo Public Square. Arizona State University Knowledge Enterprise. 12 October 2020.  https://www.zocalopublicsquare.org/2020/10/12/letter-from-sweden-covid-coronavirus/ideas/dispatches/

Marleena, M. and S. Karkulehto. 2020. “Wild Things Squeezed in the Closet: Monsters of Children’s Literature as Nonhuman Others.” In Reconfiguring Human, Nonhuman and Posthuman in Literature and Culture, edited by S. Karkulehto, A.  Koistinen and E. Varis.  New York: Routledge, 126–141. Link: www.taylorfrancis.com/books/9780429243042

Radomska, M. 2020. Deterritorialising Death: Queerfeminist Biophilosophy and Ecologies of the Non/Living in Contemporary ArtAustralian Feminist Studies. vol. 35, no. 104: 116-137. https://doi.org/10.1080/08164649.2020.1802697 [OPEN ACCESS]

Radomska, M. 2020. “Viral Queerings, Amplified Vulnerabilities”. In Rehearsing Hospitalities Companion 2, edited by Yvonne Billimore and Jussi Koitela, Helsinki: Archive Books, pp. 155-172. Available: https://frame-finland.fi/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/RH-COMPANION-II-FINAL-LR-singlepages.pdf

Radomska, M., T. Mehrabi and N. Lykke (eds.), 2020. Australian Feminist Studiesspecial issue: ‘Queer Death Studies: Death, Dying and Mourning From a Queerfeminist Perspective’ 35(104).

Radomska, M., T. Mehrabi, and N. Lykke. 2020. Queer Death Studies: Death, Dying and Mourning From a Queerfeminist Perspective. Australian Feminist Studies, vol. 35, no. 104: 81-100. https://doi.org/10.1080/08164649.2020.1811952 [OPEN ACCESS]

Radomska, M. and C. Åsberg. 2020. Elämästä luopuminen: Biofilosofiasta, epä/elämisestä, toksisesta ruumiillistumisesta ja etiikan uudelleenmuotoilustaNiin & näin [Finnish philosophical magazine] 1/2020, pp. 39-46. [OPEN ACCESS] https://netn.fi/artikkeli/elamasta-luopuminen-biofilosofiasta-epaelamisesta-toksisesta-ruumiillistumisesta-ja

Radomska, M. and C. Åsberg, 2020. “Doing Away with Life: On Biophilosophy, the Non/Living, Toxic Embodiment, and Reimagining Ethics.” In: Berger, K. Mäki-Reinikka, K. O’Reilly & H. Sederholm, eds. Art As We Don’t Know It. Helsinki: Aalto ARTS Books, pp. 54-63.

Rahm, L. (2020). Den svenska arbetarrörelsens datapolitik från efterkrigstiden till millennieskiftet: en berättelse om folkbildningFronesis, 64-65

Vos, de, R., Pepita Hesselberth, Janna Houwen, and Esther Peeren. 2020. “Automation, Representation, and the Question Concerning the Legibility of the Image/Machine Today”.  In Moving Pictures, Living Machines. Mimesis International https://mimesisinternational.com/interregnum-between-biopolitics-and-posthegemony-3-2-2-2/

Wickberg, Adam & Johan Gärdebo. 2020. “Where Humans and the Planetary Conflate: An Introduction to Environing Media”, Humanities vol. 9, issue 3, (2020) special issue Peoples, Natures and Environments: Shaping Landscapeshttps://www.mdpi.com/2076-0787/9/3/65

Wickberg, Adam & Johan Gärdebo. 2020.“Environing Media and the Anthropocene”, HKW Berlin, Anthropocene Curriculum 2020, online publication of the institution (Museum of world cultures, Berlin).

Wickberg, Adam. 2020. ”Reconfiguring Temporality in the Anthropocene”, Resilience: A Journal of the Environmental Humanities, vol. 8, issue 4, 2020. (Forthcoming, may) Pre-print: https://www.academia.edu/41018704/Reconfiguring_Temporality_in_the_Anthropocene_Wickberg_Preprint20191122_34377_1o3lxcq

Wickberg, Adam. 2020. “Singular Causality and Contingent Singularity: Towards a Theory of Post-digital Handwriting”, Media Theory, vol. 4, no 1, 2020. http://mediatheoryjournal.org/adam-wickberg-on-post-digital-handwriting/

Wickberg, Adam. 2020. “Intimacy and Singularity of Post-digital Handwriting”, Trace: Journal of Writing, Media & Ecology 2020, vol. 4 no. 1. http://tracejournal.net/trace-issues/issue4/05-wickberg.html

Elgh Klingborg, C. 2019. “Science Fiction as a Mirror of our Times and Imaginary Laboratory”, in Cosmological Arrows (eds. Elgh Klingborg and J. Määttä), Art and Theory Publishing. Published in conjunction with the exhibition Cosmological Arrows: Journeys Through Inner and Outer Space at Bonniers Konsthall, 30.08.2019-10.11.2019.

Fredengren, C. & Karlsson, J. 2019. Mossberga Mosse: Excavating the Archives and Tracing Museum Ecologies, Journal of Wetland Archaeology, 19:1-2, 115-130.

O´Conor, K. & Fredengren, C. 2019. Living on lakes – Medieval Irish Settlements. In Nolan, W (ed). Leitrim: History and Society.Dublin. Geography Publications.

Fredengren, C. 2019. Finitude – Human and Animal Sacrifice in a Norse setting. Proceedings of the Old Norse Mythology Conference 2015. Stockholm. Stockholm University Press.

Fredengren, C. 2019. Att möta våtmarkernas natur, en spekulativ arkeologi om offer mosslik och klimatfrågor. OEI #84/85.

Geerts, E. 2019.“Donna Haraway’s cyborgian eco-feminism: A critical new materialist perspective” (in Dutch). Felix & Sofie event on the cyber philosophy of Haraway. Perdu. Amsterdam (NL)

Geerts, E. 2019. “Re-vitalizing the American feminist-philosophical classroom. Transformative academic experimentations with diffractive pedagogical tools.” In Posthumanism and Higher Education: Reimagining Pedagogy, Practice and Research, edited by C. A. Taylor and A. Bayley, 123-140. Palgrave Macmillan. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14672-6_7

Geerts, E. 2019. “Without the Other, no Self.” (in Dutch). Wijsgerig Perspectief 59 (2019) 1: 14-24

Geerts, E. and D. Carstens. 2019.“Ethico-Onto-Epistemology.” Philosophy Today. Special issue ‘Materialist Concepts.’ 63 (2019) (4). DOI: 10.5840/philtoday202019301

Radomska, M. 2019. Posthuman Ecologies of the Corpse.Women, Gender & Research, 3-4/2019, pp. 86-88. [OPEN ACCESS]

Radomska, M. 2019. “Non/Living Matter, Bioscientific Imaginaries and Feminist Technoecologies of Bioart.” In: D. Lorenz-Meyer, P. Treusch and X. Liu, Feminist Technoecologies: Reimagining Matters of Care and Sustainability. London: Routledge. [peer-reviewed]

Radomska, M., T. Mehrabi and N. Lykke (eds.). 2019.  Women, Gender & Researchspecial issue: ‘Queer Death Studies: Coming to Terms with Death with Death, Dying and Mourning Differently’. 3-4/2019.

Radomska, M., T. Mehrabi, and N. Lykke. 2019. Queer Death Studies: Coming to Terms with Death, Dying and Mourning Differently. An IntroductionWomen, Gender & Research 3-4/2019, pp. 3-11. [OPEN ACCESS]

Rahm, L. 2019. Educational imaginaries: a genealogy of the digital citizen. PhD dissertation, Studies in Behavioural Science No. 214. Faculty of Educational Sciences, Linköping, Sweden.

Rahm, L. 2019. Utbildning som universalmedel mot teknologins faror och förhoppningar. February 25. Skola & Samhälle [S.O.S].

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