Hannah Link is a PhD student at the collaborative research center “Human Differentiation” at the University of Mainz, Germany. Her doctoral project, provisionally entitled “The Human in the Face of Technology: An Ethnography of Robotics,” explores images of ‘the human’ in the field of robotics. Hannah draws on both sociological practice theories and materialist feminist theories as crucial frameworks. These lenses allow for a comprehensive examination of the interplay between various human and non-human elements in the field of robotics. Additionally, Hannah uses ethnographic field trips to explore the ways in which boundaries between humans and non-humans are constituted.
Selected publications
Link, Hannah (2023): Robotermaterial und ‘Künstliche Intelligenz‘. Posthumanistische Potenziale der Robotik In: Richard Groß/ Rita Jordan (Hg.): KI-Realitäten. Modelle, Praktiken, Topologien maschinellen Lernens. Bielefeld: transcript. S. 143-167./ Robot materials and artificial intelligence. Posthumanist potentials of robotics.
Link, Hannah/Kalthoff, Herbert (2023): Die Naturalisierung des Roboters. Zu einer Soziologie technischen Wissens. In: Torsten Cress/Oliwia Murawska /Annika Schlitte (Hg.): Posthuman? Neue Perspektiven auf Natur/Kultur. Paderborn: Fink/Brill, S. 261-280./ The naturalization of robots. Towards a sociology of technical knowledge.