The More-Than-Human Humanities focus series aims to attend to human differences entangled with environmental justice, information technologies, AI, synthetic biology, surveillance systems, species extinction, and drastic ecological change. It draws attention not only to the creativity and potentiality of this reinvention of arts and humanities, but also to that which limits or wounds conditions of life on earth. It addresses the question of how we may learn to live with those wounds and limitations in everyday practice. The titles in the series provide insight into the state-of-the art humanities research in a changing world.
If you have an exciting idea for a book proposal for this book series, please contact the book series editors:
Cecilia Åsberg, Prof Dr Gender, nature, culture at Linköping University, Sweden. Director The Posthumanities Hub – cecilia.asberg@liu.se
Marietta Radomska, Dr Assistant Professor Gender and Environmental Humanities, at Linköping University, Director the Eco- and Bio Art Lab – marietta.radomska@liu.se