The Posthumanities Hub round-table workshop On “Creative with concepts”
Speakers: Prof. Nanna Verhoeff (Utrecht University), Prof. Iris van der Tuin (Utrecht University), Dr Janna Holmstedt (Sweden’s Historical Museums), Prof. Christina Fredengren (Uppsala University), Prof. Paola Ruiz Moltó (Universitat Jaume) & Prof. Cecilia Åsberg (LiU) with friends.
11th May, 10:15-12:00 CEST, Linköping University, Temahuset, Temcas.
Engaging with what concepts can do, we explore in this experimental round-table workshop what happens in the arts and creative humanities when “theory words” (concepts) work across different research practices. We move through a set of concepts, like, “assembling”, “cartography”, “curation”, “dirt”, “following”, “micrology”, “unlearning” and “wonder” (all from Iris van der Tuin & Nanna Verhoeff’s (2022) Critical Concepts for the Creative Humanities, see below how to download it!). Such concepts are put to work differently across the invited speakers’ various research projects. Come meet artistic research on soil and sustainability; museum ecologies and heritage research on past and future waste sites of the present Antropocene; imaginative teacher education with art, science and tiny, tiny critters, as well as other forms of blue/ environmental/ feminist/ more-than-human and creative humanities.