Le LASC (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle) et le MEAM (Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods) invitentNatasha Fijn, Director of the Mongolia Institute and ARC Future Fellow (The Australian National University) pour une présentation intitulée “Multi-sensorial Attunement between Human and Horse in Mongolia”.
Humans and horses are increasingly living settled and enclosed existences, while being used less in working roles. In the Land of the Horse, Mongolia, horses still function as a core part of the mobile pastoral herding existence. The focus here is on the use of ‘architectures of domestication’ (Anderson et al., 2017), specifically herding tools and implements as extensions of the body. The GoPro camera is employed as a research tool to explore multi-sensorial attunement. Bloodletting tools are passed on over the generations and are used to jab key points of the horse, as an important means of building immunity and preventing illness. There has been little documentation of the practice of bloodletting on horses, so within the upcoming presentation this ancient healing tradition will be described through a multi-sensory ethnographic approach. Tools used by herders could be construed as a means of control or coercion, yet in the case of the lasso pole is used with the intention of directing and guiding individual animals, or in the instance of the bloodletting knife, to assist in a horse’s overall health and wellbeing.
Quand : Le 6 octobre 2022 de 13h30 à 15h.
Lieu : local A2 dans le bâtiment B7a (Grands Amphis)
Le séminaire est également accessible à distance via le lien suivant : https://uu-se.zoom.us/j/61853590545
Entrée libre
Personne de contact : Andrea Petitt – andrea.petitt@gender.uu.se