Join us on 25th May 2022 for this one of a kind event: Tema Genus Higher Seminar with independent artist and professor of art Katja Aglert, focused on “Archipelagic Rehearsals: Abstract as Score”!
When: 25th May 2022, 13:15-15:00
Where: Room TEMCAS, Tema building, Campus Valla, Linköping University, SE. (see the map)

Archipelagic Rehearsals – Abstract as Score
A lecture performance by Katja Aglert
This paper, in the form of a lecture performance, unfolds from my ongoing transdisciplinary artistic research around multispecies encounters, with a focus on humans and Spanish slugs. These relations and stories highlight issues of migration, biodiversity, coexistence, and the interconnectivity of things. Today, the Spanish slug Arion vulgaris – in Sweden named “the killer slug” – is perceived as an invasive species, and is at the centre of a Western narrative, reifying the binary categorisations, such as nature-city, wildlife-pest. Can artistic processual practice, participatory research, and storytelling with slugs challenge the binary world view with humans at the centre, and perform new imaginaries of ”the world” as ”we”
know it? Building on concepts such as archipelagic thinking (Glissant), and more-than-human participatory research (Bastian, Jones, Moore and Roe), I seek to artistically discuss and perform responses to the principal question of how we can still use language and simultaneously avoid the confirmation of the order we attempt to question (Aglert). The lecture performance is a participatory, live editorial, an open-ended, multi-disciplinary experiment that explores the possibilities to renegotiate and destabilise the common conditions for an academic presentation. The lecture performance is a method that unsettles fixed meanings and allows for new interconnections between the arts and academia. Furthermore, it can
create new knowledge, stories and artistic materialisations related to more-than-human storytelling. As such, choosing the hybrid format of a lecture performance amounts to an experiment that explores the possibility of materially aligning the trajectory of choices with the research topic.
Katja Aglert is an independent artist, and professor, Tema Genus, Linköping University. Web: