Saturday 2 April, 13:00-16:00 hrs, at KONSTHALLEN FÄRGFABRIKEN, Lövholmsbrinken 1, Liljeholmen, Stockholm.
MORE INFO – reclaimingfutures.se
In the FORMAS-project Reclaiming Futures – Storying Change teenagers and researchers engage in a conversation on climate change, environmental issues and our relationship to ecology. Now, we show off some of the results from these conversations – a series of short films and a festival program curated and produced by the kids themselves!
Time: Saturday 2 april 13.00 to 16.00 hrs
Venue: Konsthallen Färgfabriken, Lövholmsbrinken 1, Liljeholmen, Stockholm.
Reclaiming Futures is a modus operandi, a way to take back the futures from the past settings still shaping the world to come. In particular, Reclaiming Futures is a way to empower young people’s position in the public debate on environmentalism and climate governance. The climate is an issue for more than technocrats, experts, politicians and academics – it is for everybody.
Environmental research is not just about numbers, data and statistics. It is also about us as people, and how we relate to the environment, to life and death (and for whom) on this planet. It is about how we see ourselves in relationship to the environment we are changing – do we think ourselves outside it or are we part of the world? If we are to understand the impact of climate change and species extinction rates and how to handle it, we need to learn of the greater webs of relationships of living things, nonhuman animals and plants, as well as humans and our differences, says Cecilia Åsberg, a researcher in the environmental humanities, professor at Linköping University and one of the initiators of this project.
In Reclaiming Futures youngsters and researchers, teachers, film makers, artists, curators and science journalists participate with their special insights into climate- and research communication. During 2021 and 2022 the teenagers and researchers convened for workshops and conversations on today´s climate and environmental situation. The youngsters were trained in efficient cultural communication and taught how to formulate their own stories by images and film making, later to take form in a number of short films and stories of their own making. In parallel, other groups, like a young art-activist collective in Gnesta, and a youth councel at Färgfabriken, made for the curated program, the exhibition space and framework of this festival.
This festival will exhibit the results of the work, and it contains besides short film screenings also curated conversations between youth and researchers, shorter talks and lectures, creative expressions and societal frameworks.
– Reclaiming Futures is a mode of working that paves new ways for a science communication of reciprocity. The conversations and collaborations exhibit how society not only needs a new configuration of knowledge with multiple voices and stakeholders, but also new ways of communicating and relating to the social imagery, the cultural commentary and especially to the future making potentials of youth, says Cecilia Åsberg.
Projektet Reclaiming Futures – Storying Change är en fortsättning på pilotprojektet Popularizing Environmental Humanities (2019) och finansieras med medel från forskningsstiftelsen Formas. Projektet drivs i samarbetet mellan forskargruppen The Posthumanities Hub vid (bla) Linköpings universitet, konsthallen Färgfabriken i Stockholm, Kajman Media/Lotten Wiklund vetenskapsjournalist samt dokumentärfilmaren Karin Wegsjö på KW produktion. I projektet ingår även Bromma gymnasium och Artlab Gnesta, Squid Squad samt ett flertal intressenter.
Projektet sträcker sig över 2021 och 2023 och kulminerar nu i en vetenskapsfestival på Konsthallen färgfabriken i Stockholm. Det pedagogiska arbetet i Reclaiming Futures bygger på workshopmetoder som utvecklats och utvärderats i tidigare projekt. Nu dokumenteras arbetet och framledes kommer metoder och tillvägagångssätt att struktureras och tillgängliggöras så att lärare och andra som är intresserade har möjlighet att arbeta vidare med ungdomar och klimatkommunikation. Modellen kommer att publiceras på www.reclaimingfutures.se
Karin Englund, projektledare Färgfabriken, 0736 84 27 23, karin@fargfabriken.se
Lotten Wiklund, projektledare Kajman Media, 070-651 55 30, lotten@kajman.se
Cecilia Åsberg, projektledare Reclaiming Futures Linköpings universitet, 070 1918513, cecilia.asberg@liu.se
FB EVENT https://www.facebook.com/events/4927081707389635?ref=newsfeed
LÄS MER OM RECLAIMING FUTURES HÄR: https://reclaimingfutures.se/
One response to “RECLAIMING FUTURES: Storying Change”
[…] 2nd April 2022 the project hosted its big event: Reclaiming Futures – Storying Change Science/Environmental Humanities/Anthropocene Festival, which took place at the art centre Färgfabriken (Stockholm), and where teenagers and researchers […]