ANIMA MUNDI is a 4-channel video installation and performance by gustaf broms BENHUSET (The Bone House), Stockholm March 11–27, 2022 12:00–20:00 daily.
“Being in a time and place, where identification with the thin membrane of skin, as container of self, is slowly dissolving, as borders between beings evaporate, the environment disintegrates into a myriad of sentient beings.” ~gustaf broms
The project ANIMA MUNDI grew out of a series of actions in the forest in Vendel, Sweden. These meetings of organic bodies create a dialogue between species that weaves a story without words. These filmed interactions become the material for a 4-channel video in a room somewhere between installation, sound, performance and video, in which the artist makes an 18-day action as a dialogue with moving image. The working title ANIMA MUNDI usually translates as ‘world soul.’ In Timaeus, Plato wrote “Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence……a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related.”