Gender and Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities – FAD3115
This electable course in the doctoral program, Art, Technology and Design (7,5 credits) is an educational effort, supported by the KTH Equality Office for the integration of knowledge on gender equity in sustainable development research, provided by the KTH School of Architecture and the Built Environment and the multi-university platform The Posthumanities Hub, with Tema Genus, Linköping University.
Gender and Sustainability: Introducing Feminist Environmental Humanities
The PhD course will be held online, and combines critical and creative perspectives on gender and sustainability from the emerging field of environmental humanities as it overlaps with science, technology, humanities, art and feminist theory-practices. It explores postdisciplinary directions in sustainability from a set of positions in environmental humanities and feminist posthumanities.
The course provides an introduction into the conceptual landscape of feminist environmental humanities, and an orientation into its methodological trajectories across the fields of science, technology, art and design. Notions of different scientific traditions in the past and present, and of inter- and transdisciplinary research are presented and framed in ways that are particularly useful for PhD researchers pursuing environmental humanities/postdisciplinary studies and practice-oriented research in art, technology and design. PhD researchers are provided with an understanding of key concepts – and the relationship between research questions, methods, objectives and outcomes – through lectures, literature seminars, workshops and collaborative project work. The course introduces participants to thinking on situated knowledge practices and ethics amidst a plethora of critical methodologies, qualitative and innovative methods, and performative research practices. On completion of the course, PhD researchers will be provided with tools to critically reflect over the epistemological and ethical challenges inherent to their own research practices and doctoral work, but also in relationship to gender, sustainability and to other actors involved in the very social business of scholarship.
To be eligible for the course, PhD researchers must have completed a masters’ degree or have an equivalent level of education in STS, history of science, technology and environment studies, gender studies, technology, art or design (such as architecture, planning, civil engineering, arts, crafts, and design) or affiliated subjects within the humanities and social sciences.
Preliminary dates (ONLINE)
Module 1 – Re-inventing nature, re-inventing methodology, February 2, 3, 17, 2022
Module 2 – Doing gender and sustainability: Practice-oriented research, March 18, 2022
Module 3 – Ethics in thinking practice, March 31, April 1, 2022
Module 4 – Gender and sustainability in new registers: Knowledge communication, April 25, 26, 2022

Coordinators and Guest Lecturers
The course will be coordinated and taught by a unique team of teachers, combining gender, sustainability, environmental humanities, feminist posthumanities and practice-oriented research:
- Meike Schalk, Associate Professor, KTH School of Architecture, architectural environmental humanities
- Cecilia Åsberg, Professor, Gender, nature, culture, Linköping University (previously guest professor at KTH)
- Marietta Radomska, Assistant Professor in Environmental Humanities, Gender Studies, Linköping University, biophilosophy, eco/bio-art
- Janna Holmstedt, PhD, Swedish Historical Museums, Artistic Researcher
And guest lecturers (TBA).
The course is an open collaboration with the KTH gender network, The Posthumanities Hub, a multi-university research group and platform for feminist posthumanities www.posthumanitieshub.net and Gender Studies, Linköping University.
Application for this Doctoral Course
Deadline for application is 13th of January 2022. (If accepted you receive a notice of acceptance and the course readings by 18th of January.)
Please apply FORMALLY to the PhD course Gender & Sustainability by submitting an APPLICATION to meike.schalk@arch.kth.se
Include the following documents:
- CV (short bio), one page
- Letter of motivation, half a page (why you would benefit from this course in your PhD-work)
- SHORT description of PhD project, one page maximum, with aim and research question, material and practice-oriented/methodological approaches and challenges