Welcome to The Posthumanities Hub Seminar on ‘Becoming better ancestors to more-than-human future generations’ with speakers Associate Prof. Christina Fredengren and Prof. Cecilia Åsberg!
When: 20th May, 13:15 – 14:45
Where: On Zoom – see the details below:

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Becoming better ancestors to more-than-human future generations
In this work-in-progress seminar, Christina Fredengren and Cecilia Åsberg present research that deals with the major question of how to better re-tie the material and immaterial knots between past, present and future generations. This is a question that is intimately tied to issues of sustainability, to how ancestors and successors are articulated – and questions of who inherits whom – and where matters of responsibility and care, as well as time, place and difference, come into play. Drawing on such, previously often unconnected, discussions and field philosophical work at a Swedish waste-to-energy plant, Fredengren and Åsberg suggest ways forward for moving toward inventive modes of becoming better ancestors. Such measures aspire to impact on how to approach sustainability, intergenerational justice and care in postnatural heritage management and everyday life. The research is part of the FORMAS-funded project “Checking in with Deep Time”.
Christina Fredengren
Associate Professor at the Archaeological Research Laboratory, Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University, with several international publications in archaeology, feminist posthumanities, natural/cultural heritage and environmental humanities. Heading the Stockholm University Environmental Humanities Research School and one of the founders of Stockholm University Environmental Humanities Network. Doctorate in Archaeology at Stockholm University 2004, key member of The Posthumanities Hub and the Seed Box: An Environmental Humanities Collaboratory, and Pi of research project Checking in with Deep Time (funded by Formas- A Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development) as well as Pi of Water of the Times (funded by the Swedish Science Council, Berit Wallenberg foundation), and Pi of Curating Time (funded by the SeedBox).
Cecilia Åsberg
Professor of Gender, nature, culture at Linköping University, Department of Thematic Studies, Fellow of Rachel Carson Centre for Environment and Society, and recently guest professor at KTH Royal Institute of Technology with a longstanding engagement in feminist cultural studies of science, medicine, technology and embodiment, in the environmental arts and the societal relevance of more-than-human humanities. She works in the versatile art and science spectrum of feminist posthumanities with funded projects on environmental communication, AI art, coastal and oceanic humanities and deep time sustainability. The first Scandinavian Doctorate in Gender Studies, and avid international networker and Founding Director of the Swedish Seed Box research programme in environmental humanities, she is since 2008 founder and director of The Posthumanities Hub.